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Image (obtained by D24) of food baskets SARC distribute to families in Deir Ezzor
Syrian Arab Red Crescent branch of Deir Ezzor completed a mission of food aid distribution to besieged civilians in the city today. The food aid was delivered by The Red Cross to Assad-regime held areas in Deir Ezzor with cargo planes last week
SARC delivered one food basket through its distribution center in al-Qusour neighborhood to every two families from the Orafi neighborhood of Deir Ezzor who have moved to al-Joura and al-Qusour after being displaced.
The food basket includes 6 kg of rice, 6 kg of sugar, 900 grams of tea, 25 kg of beans, 3 liters of oil, 800 grams of fava beans, 6 cans of tuna, 1 kg of butter, 1 kg of lentils, 1 kg of crushed lentils, 500 grams of salt and 4 kg of groats.
The overall weight of the food basket is 29 kg.
This comes in a time where Russian cargo planes are intensifying the number of their supply missions by air-dropping shipments, whose contents remain unknown to everyone for the moment, over Assad-regime held areas in Deir Ezor where Assad forces collect and transport them to regime warehouses in the province.