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The people of Deir Ezzor did not surrender to the heavy airstrikes, which are carried out by Russia,Assad and the US-led coalition, against their areas under the pretext that they are ISIS targets.
After further investigations it turned out that the targeted areas were nothing but public markets,hospitals and schools,moreover the Russian massacre against innocent civilians in Albu Kamal made it clear that the airstrikes’ main target was a civilian public area,and all Russian justifications concerning this issue were proved to be cheap propaganda.
Following the airstrikes ,the people of Deir Ezzor were obliged to leave their homes gradually in order to move to safe areas where they might survive;along with their children,aerial bombardments,they are even able to distinguish between Coalition,Russian and Assad jets now because of the daily airstrikes that the province have been facing recently.
It should be noted that Deir Ezzor’s residents faced such displacement at the hands of Assad regime before due to its barbaric bombardment of the strategic cities in the eastern ,northern and western countryside of Deir Ezzor as they all fell to the hands of FSA years ago.