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The Military Security branch in the al-Salihiya neighborhood in the town of Hattla, northern Deir Ezzor prevented farmers from selling wheat in crops’ auction and forced them to sell it to the Assad regime.
The current price of wheat in the crops auction reached 900 Syrian pounds per kilo; however, the price of wheat reached 750 SYP per kilo at the Agricultural Bank. Cereals centers did not commit to the wheat 900 -SYP- price per kilo approved by the Agriculture Directorate.
The total production of wheat in the Assad regime-controlled areas of Deir Ezzor has so far reached 3,500 tons , a low percent compared to previous years’.
Crops season this year is one of the poorest ones in Syria, as each dunum produced between half a pouch and two pouches of wheat at best. This production percent is considered low. The reasons for drought are attributed to rare rain and decreased water level of the Euphrates.