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After nine years of oppression and pain, the massacre is still present in everyone’s memory. The scenes are depressing, the body parts are scattered everywhere, and the blood of the victims is still hot, refusing to dry before the free criminal who is wreaking havoc and blood on the earth is held accountable.
Nine years and the smell of death still resounds throughout the city, which is silently moaning and mourning its sons who were killed by the weapons of treachery, sectarianism and hatred.
The massacre of al-Joura neighborhood that was eternal in the memory of Deir Ezzor, or what is known as the massacre of the Republican Guards, which emptied its hatred over the corpses of the city’s residents. Shots killed hundreds of civilians, others were slaughtered by knives, and others were burnt, excluding no child, woman, or and elderly.
It is black Tuesday, on this day, eight years ago, the Assad forces’ 4th Division stormed the al-Joura and al-Qusour neighborhoods in Deir Ezzor, supported by fighters whom people who witnessed the massacre recognized their “Persian” accent.
The campaign was led by the commander of the Republican Guards, Issam Zahreddine, and the commander of the Special Task Forces of the Republican Guards “Ali Khuzam”. Both commanders are now dead and were notorious for their unlimited criminality; however, landmine explosions killed them in the city of Deir Ezzor.
The streets were full of hundreds of dead, and the houses were full of slaughtered families, while hundreds also remained missing up to the moment.
Nine years, the tears of mothers and the bereaved are still flowing with a burning heart that almost ignites their hearts, and the images of the victims still haunt the city, and their souls wander in the city looking for justice to calm down and rest in peace.
Hundreds of documents and reports confirming the perpetration of dozens of massacres by Assad and his supporters and militias, starting with the abuse of detainees, using chemical weapons, and committing dozens of massacres; however, the criminal is still at large and the souls of the victims are still trapped in the darkness of oppression and injustice.