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Deir Ezzor 24 network learned from sources that the head of the State Security Branch in Deir Ezzor, Brigadier General “Daas Daas”, has instructed the reconciliation agents of the Assad regime security branches to increase their activities and attract a number of the wanted people according to new criteria.
According to the sources, “Daas” ordered “Fadhel al-Younis”, the mayor of Hatlah town, “Mohammed Suleiman al-Eid”, a member of the Ba’ath party band in the town, and “Abd al-Ghazi” from Al-Salhiyah town, to give guarantees and promises to all those wanted by the security branches that they will not be prosecuted if they return to the areas controlled by the Assad regime in Deir Ezzor, unless “their hands were stained with blood.”
The figures mentioned above were ordered to take the names of those who want to reconcile, through agents living in the SDF-held areas.
According to the sources, “Mohammed al-Rakrak”, a resident of Zghiyer Jazeera town and a former director of the examinations department in the Assad regime, “Abdul Razzaq Al Sayed Ayed”, a very rich man in Maezila village, and “Jassim Hamdoun al-Zahir”, a resident of Asawa town west of Deir Ezzor, are some of the Assad regime’s agents in the SDF-held areas.
It is noteworthy that since taking control of the southern bank of the Euphrates River in Deir Ezzor province, the Assad regime has been trying to create cells in the areas of the opposite bank (eastern Euphrates) which are under The control of the SDF, to carry out what ever the Assad regime security branches order them to do in those areas.