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In coordination with Assad regime’s General Intelligence service and for the first time, Al-Qaterji militia announced its intention to recruit evaders and deserters of military service and wanted men who would like to sign settlement papers with the regime in its ranks, according to Deir Ezzor 24 network correspondent.
Our correspondent added that the militia provided inducements for the new recruits, who will sign settlement papers with the regime, such as they will get security ID cards, the period of their service in the militia would be included in their compulsory service in Assad’s forces, they will work only 15 days of every month, and will receive a monthly salary of 200,000 Syrian pounds as well as a food basket per member, provided that their service would be in the southern Deir Ezzor badiyah (Al-Shoula and Kabajib).
The Qatraji militia is supported by Russia, and has recently been recruiting young men with charges related to terrorism and state security.