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The gas crisis in the areas controlled by Assad’s forces in Deir Ezzor is getting worse, as the domestic gas has become a hard-to-reach dream for the citizens.
Since Assad regime changed the way people get several commodities such as (sugar, oil and domestic gas) to be sold through the so-called smart cards, it has become very difficult for people to get these materials, especially the domestic gas, which reached 25,000 Syrian pounds per cylinder in the black market, where merchants are taking advantage of the people’s need.
As for the mechanism of getting a gas cylinder through the smart card, the process goes through several stages, that may take four or five months until a person gets one. A local from Al-Joura neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city, who requested to remain unnamed for security reasons, informed Deir Ezzor 24 network:
“In 12-12-2019, they recorded my name for a cylinder, and I have been waiting since that time. My number among those waiting to get a gas cylinder is 898, and I do not know how many months I have to wait to get the cylinder, knowing that my family is without gas in our home for a month and a half.
People are complaining in the open.. in cafes, public meetings and social media, about the lack of domestic gas and the complicated mechanism of its distribution, criticizing Assad regime’s officials for their negligence to find solutions to this suffocating crisis, in turn, the officials of Assad regime pay no attention to the problems of people in Deir Ezzor, leaving them to face the tragedy imposed on them by the merchants and officials of the Assad regime.