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Russian forces sent 30 foreign members of the Wagner militia (from the Kazakh and Chechen nationalities) on reconnaissance mission for days. The members were deployed to the posts of the 5th Infantry Brigade in the Fifth Corps in Deir Ezzor countryside at lines of contact with eastern Euphrates areas.
The members were equipped with sophisticated surveillance and computer equipment used to survey the area between Al-Jafra field north of Tabiya-Jazeera town and Al-Azba field north of Marrat town, including Conoco plant.
The Global Coalition forces carried out an airstike earlier on Wagner militias, killing more than 100 members as they tried to infiltrate areas east of the Euphrates.
These militias affiliated with military forces work in protecting the oil fields controlled by Assad’s militias and Russian forces such as al-Taim oil field, in addition to fighting alongside Assad army.