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DeirEzzor24 exclusive report:
A private source told DeirEzzor24 Network that the commander of the National Defense Militia in Deir Ezzor, “Firas al-Iraqiya,” offered groups of residents east and west of Deir Ezzor to set up camps for them in the Badia, guarded by the militia.
The source added that the camp will be set up to gather workers harvesting truffles from the desert, with tight guard day and night from the defense militia, in return for selling the crops to the Iraqis exclusively at the price he sets, or he will prevent the people from harvesting the crops.
The truffle season in Deir Ezzor will start in the past few days, and the last season witnessed the recording of several accidents and injuries to truffle harvesting workers in Deir Ezzor, as a result of the explosion of land mines while searching for truffles.