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On Tuesday, February 08, Daesh executed four defectors from the New Syria Army in the Sabha town in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor
A D24 correspondent stated that “ the executed are linked with the coalition-backed New Syria Army. They are locals from the Sabha town in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor who had defected from the army’s ranks and handed themselves over to the organization in September 2016. Afterwards, they underwent repentance sessions.”
He added, “ the organization executed them yesterday on charges of false repentance and cooperation with the international coalition. The execution was carried out near one of the mosques in the Sabhah village. They were executed by gunfire in front of a crowd of civilians”
Noteworthy, the organization always break their promises and treaties. The displacing and execution of many tribal members and opposition fighters in the province, with whom they signed treaties and granted safety, is the best example for this.
Names of the executed:
Mashaal Salman
Hussein Salman Mashaal
Jamal Ahmed Mohamed
Youness Ali Osssman