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The town of Suwaydan Jazeera, in the middle of the eastern Deir Al-Ghazal (island) on the northern bank of the Euphrates River, which was captured by SDF in late 2017 more, is now home to more than 30 thousand people, most of whom returned recently after experiencing a long miserable journey of displacement in the desert of the province of Deir Ezzor.
Abu Saad, a local from the town, says:
“Returning to my house after two months of displacement in the desert where I and my family had to live and sleep in a homemade tattered tend was like the return of the soul to the body” With this sentence, the sixty-three-year-old man opened his speech when he told us about the current situation in his hometown. He added: “After the bitter experience we experiencing at the chaotic internally dispalced camps in the Syrian Badiyah, which was in connection with the fighting between” Qusd “and” Daesh “, made our return to our homes as entry to Paradise, it is true that life here is not free Of difficulties but God is generous and we thank God for our salvation from hell, the situation will improve, God willing. ”
Since the beginning of this year, life has been gradually returning to the villages and towns of the northern bank of the Euphrates River (Al Jazeera) after the withdrawal of the organization and SDF takeover. Once the “SDF” controlled the area, so are most of the people of the region to return to their towns and villages after tasting the bitterness of displacement in the wilderness and the difficulty of living with the rise of large caravans in areas where some people have been displaced, such as the city of Bab and Azzaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
Munther, 51 years old, from the town of Al-Basira in the eastern suburb of Deir Al-Azur, said: “It is true that the destruction of my house was caused by the battles that took place, but it is more merciful than the fire of the agar in the door.” The five-month cost of a huge sum of money reached 3500 dollars, or about one and a half million Syrian pounds. The majority of the sons of Deir Al-Zour, who arrived in the city in search of safety, even for a temporary period, paid the man and his family rent the house for six months at a rate of $ 200 per month. House renters in the city of Bab, pushing it to Back to his home in the city of insight at the first opportunity after he had heard the return of many of the people of insight to the city “here is not a house or Pagar asking me to take advantage of my need for shelter, this is my house and my land,” says Abu Munther.
On the return journey, Abu Munther accompanied his neighbor in Bab al-Bab, a resident of Deir Al-Zour, to the destination he wanted. Life in Deir Al-Zour is “less expensive” than in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
The community of Deiralzur in the villages of “island” a state of stagnation in all areas, as a result of the heavy legacy left by the organization is urging because of its control over the community and its negative impact on the wheel of work in the region, which left a poor economic situation in the majority of the people due to lack of work, “The situation has led to a growing social solidarity situation in several villages and towns,” said Nasser, son of the city of Suwaidan, an expatriate island in Germany, when he spoke about his hometown and some neighboring villages, according to his brothers, relatives and some friends, With them, the young man says, “the state of poverty in the A mother who pushed her children to join together and get closer, the one who gets sick in the town and his condition is a “worker” who collects a sum of money from the parents who are better off and provides him with the opportunity to cope and deal with it. This was one of the reasons why the rest of the family returned to Suidan Island after Rest assured that “the world is so good”.
In the town of Al-Shuhail, located on the northern river bed of the Euphrates River in the eastern village of Deir Al-Azur, which has seen the largest return of its inhabitants after a disorganized organization, the residents suffer from several problems in terms of the continuous power cuts that some people have experienced in a commercial project, And the scarcity of “clean” drinking water, the latest of which is the problem of heavy shooting at weddings by young men and “the inability of the security point of the town to control this situation,” according to Abdullah, a resident of the town. That repeated complaints from The residents and the intervention of the “faces” of the town led to an agreement between the residents and the authorities to arrest and punish all those who use arms for weddings. “These problems did not prevent people from returning to their homes.
The concerns of the children of Deiralzur vary in the areas of Qusd, and the society suffers from shortages and perhaps deficits in several sectors, but life in the dialogues that witnessed their youth, and on the lands that embraced them and adjacent to their Euphrates, which droplets with their blood is much better than the life of displacement, Instability and their tongue says: