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In 2014 a number of battalions and brigades belonging to al-Bakir tribe (one of the tribes in Deir Ezzor) were unified under one flag named ”Jaysh Zilzal Al Bakir”(The Army of al Bakir Earthquake) claiming that their aim was ” to restore Sharia rule”.
They insisted on bieng neutral with no affiliation to any group in the region,but based on data and infos collected from the ground in Deir Ezzor,it turned out that they were formed and funded by ISIS to operate as a sleeper cell in the region.
Jaysh Zilzal al Bakir was hugely funded by ISIS and large number of fighters joined its rank since the Army offered them high salaries.
All of this took place during the first days when the Army was formed,but as things and conditions have changed so far ,many of Jaysh Zilzal affiliated fighters have begun fleeing to Turkey and Europe.
As its known ,Jaysh Zilzal al Bakir is the top priority faction used by ISIS in its battles against Assad regime inside Deir Ezzor city and also on the front of the military airport which has increased the number of fighters fleeing Syria to Turkey and Europe.
Nowadays,those elements ,who are still in the ranks of The army,are living in a state of fear and anticipation of their fate and what awaits them in the coming days.