DeirEzzor24 exclusive report The recent period has witnessed confusion in the ranks of Daesh and the absence of its members and cells from the scene in Deir Ezzor, a private...
Read moreDetailsMany residents of the city of Al-Mayadeen, east of Deir Ezzor, complain about the high prices of gas cylinders, as many of them are unable to purchase them, according to...
Read moreDetailsA reporter of the DeirEzzor24 network Network has said that the main power station in the city of Al-Mayadeen, east of Deir Ezzor, was ransacked during the past years, and...
Read moreDetailsThe river post crossing that connects the city of Al-Mayadeen to the town of Al-Hawaij has been reopened in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, according to a local reporter...
Read moreDetailsThe residents of Al-Mayadeen city complain about the lack of electricity in general. According to a reporter of the DeirEzzor24 network, no electricity is covering the city and its villages....
Read moreDetailsDeirEzzor24 exclusive report The city of Al-Mayadeen, east of Deir Ezzor, is experiencing an extreme decline in the health sector, including hospitals, centers, and health stuff , according to a...
Read moreDetailsRepresentatives of the city of Al-Quriyah met with the Governor of Deir Ezzor, Mr. "Hussein Al-Salama", the day before yesterday, and the problems and difficulties facing the city were discussed,...
Read moreDetailsThe city of Al-Mayadeen is witnessing an atmosphere of joy and happiness after the return of the only outlet for the people in the city's desert, specifically near the Rahba...
Read moreDetailsThe Military Operations Department has appointed a number of its members as guards for the medical clinic in the city of Albukamal after demands from the residents, according to a...
Read moreDetailsDeirEzzor24 exclusive report Three children from the town of Mazloum were injured by a mine explosion from the remnants of Assad's forces near the railway in the town of Mazloum...
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